From Care to Custody: Young Women in Out-of-Home Care in the Criminal Justice System


This study examines young women, with sixty percent being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent, who are within the New South Wales Children’s Court criminal files and have been in out-of-home care. Supported by the findings of the ‘Report of the Special Commission of Inquiry into Child Protection Services in New South Wales’ and various research, the study was conducted under the pretense that progress must be made to reduce the number of juveniles in care appearing before New South Wales courts and filling New South Wales detention centres. The findings suggest that there is also a need for a strategic policy framework to break the nexus between out-of-home care and criminal involvement. The responsibility of the state and the engagement of DoCS is also explored. The supporting research and study concludes that if serious attention is not directed towards the people in care who encounter the criminal justice system, the vicious cycle from care to court to prison will endure unabated.

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