Implementation review of the Family Responsibilities Commission : Final Report


The Family Relationships Commission (FRC), a project of the Cape York Welfare Reform, holds conferences with individual community members who are welfare recipients and who have been identified as failing to uphold obligations around caring for children, sending them to school, abiding by the law, or abiding by public housing tenancy agreements. The FRC can refer clients to support services to address issues and barriers to change. Although its primary objective is to provide assistance, the FRC also has the authority to recommend that Centrelink manage a portion of an individuals welfare payments. This review examined whether the FRC has been implemented effectively, whether changes need to be made and what initial impacts can be observed. The program operates in Aurukun, Coen, Hope Vale and Mossman Gorge. After community visits, consultations, data analysis and observations, the review found that, despite some difficulties, the program has been implemented effectively, that it has established its authority in the community and supports local leaders, the majority of clients are responding to drivers and incentives created, and that acceptance is higher in two communities than others. Although fragile, individual changes are becoming evident. Communications and responsiveness to breaches are identified are potential future issues.

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