Youth Justice Conferences versus Childrens Court: a comparison of time to finalisation


The study is to compare police-referred youth justice conferences (P-YJCs), court referred youth justice conferences (C-YJCs) and Children’s Court (CC) matters on the time to finalisation (i.e., the number of days from referral/charge date to conference/court finalisation date), and assess the contribution of index offence- and/or offender-related characteristics as potential confounders, by utilising data from NSW Re-Offending Database. The findings include; C-YJCs held in 2010 had a significantly longer time to finalisation compared to the CC cohort and the P-YJCs cohort, and CC cohort had a significantly longer time to finalisation compared to the P-YJC cohort. The findings suggest it may be appropriate to consider further revising the legislated time-frames as there may be legitimate reasons for why delays occur.

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