Burra Lotjpa Dunguludja or Senior Leaders Talking Strong is the fourth phase of the Victorian Aboriginal Justice Agreement (AJA). It is an important step in the long and proud history […]
Resources August,2018
Burra Lotjpa Dunguludja or Senior Leaders Talking Strong is the fourth phase of the Victorian Aboriginal Justice Agreement (AJA). It is an important step in the long and proud history […]
The New South Wales Police Force states the Aboriginal Strategic Direction is a document to guide in the management of Aboriginal issues, seeking a genuine level of Aboriginal community ownership. […]
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (First Nations) people are recognised as the oldest continuous cultures on earth (Commonwealth of Australia 2017). First Nations people have a holistic concept of health […]
The Australian Indigenous imprisonment rate is currently 16.7 times the non-Indigenous imprisonment rate. The leading proximate cause of this over-representation is a high rate of Indigenous arrest. In this report […]
Resources June 2006,
Development of the AJA2 The first phase of the Aboriginal Justice Agreement (AJA1) was launched in June 2000 and was reviewed four years later. The review recommended that Government and […]
Resources March,2013
Overview: the third phase of the Aboriginal Justice Agreement (AJA3) The Victorian Aboriginal Justice Agreement (AJA) is an agreement between the Victorian Government and Koori community to work together to […]
Resources August,2023
The Yoorrook for Justice report is the culmination of Yoorrook’s year-long inquiry into Victoria’s child protection and criminal justice systems. It details extensive systemic injustice, racism, discriminatory laws and policy […]