
Authors: Cunneen, Chris

This report provides an overview of the impact of different kinds of crime prevention programs on Aboriginal communities throughout Australia. The report discusses crime levels in Indigenous communities; major crime […]

Publishers: BMC Public Health, 18(50)

Possessing a strong cultural identity has been shown to protect against mental health symptoms and buffer distress prompted by discrimination. However, no research to date has explored the protective influences […]

Indigenous people constitute 82% of the Northern Territory’s prison population. The regime of mandatory sentencing for property offences was introduced in the Northern Territory in 1997, and then repealed in […]

The project was undertaken to examine the experiences of racism for young people of mainstream, Indigenous, migrant and refugee backgrounds; investigate their responses to racism; and explore the attitudes of […]

The Young Offenders Act 1997 (YOA) created a hierarchy of sanctions designed to divert young offenders from the court system including warnings, police cautions and youth justice conferences. The aim […]

Authors: Edney, Richard

The release of this Review provides an assessment of the consequences of dispossession and how they manifest in continuing high rates of Indigenous representation in all stages of the Victorian […]

Authors: Sharp, Jared

Our justice system is not meeting the needs of Aboriginal people. We have a system of imposed justice, where Aboriginal people feel little sense of ownership or engagement. Decisions are […]

Authors: Harris, Mark

The Koori Court model that has been established in Victoria in 2002 arose as a direct consequence of the Victorian Aboriginal Justice Agreement, which was designed to ensure, among other […]

Authors: Stroud, Natalie

The review looks at the links between language and the law and how this affects the administration of justice – especially when dealing with disadvantaged offenders. The review forms part […]

Publishers: James Cook University

This lecture explores the barriers to achieving the vision of Aboriginal rights to land that were articulated in the Mabo case. These include the re-conceptualising of native title as a […]