
This directory has identified evaluations of Indigenous programs undertaken by Australian Governmental departments and key external evaluators. It captures any significant Indigenous-specific evaluations or mainstream evaluations with a prominent Indigenous […]

This report outlines the findings of a review of Correctional Services Canada’s progress in meeting its strategic plans and obligations pertaining to the Aboriginal offending population in certain key areas. […]

Publishers: Origin Consulting

This final report, completed in January 2013, provides a high-level strategic review of the implementation of the Petrol Sniffing Strategy (PSS) since its inception in 2005 and provides guidance on […]

This report provides estimates of government expenditure across expenditure categories, mapped to the Council of Australian Government’s National Indigenous Reform Agreement building blocks. When combined with other information, the estimates […]

The rate of imprisonment of Indigenous people in Australia and New Zealand continues to be unacceptably high. Indigenous people are more likely to return to prison than are non-Indigenous people. […]