This report highlights the ACT’s progress on Closing the Gap on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander disadvantage. It has been long recognised that the Council of Australian Governments’ initiative to […]
This report highlights the ACT’s progress on Closing the Gap on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander disadvantage. It has been long recognised that the Council of Australian Governments’ initiative to […]
The National Agreement on Closing the Gap (the National Agreement) was developed in partnership between Australian Governments and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peak organisations in March 2019. A Joint […]
Guided by the National Agreement and the ACT Agreement, the ACT Government has collaborated with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community to undertake a range of important projects. While […]
Although the ACT has the lowest rate of imprisonment of any Australian jurisdiction, and one of the lowest rates of Indigenous imprisonment, Indigenous people are still significantly overrepresented in the […]