Closing the Gap

Closing the Gap began in 2006 as a response to a call for governments to commit to achieving equality for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in health and life expectancy within a generation.

In 2019, a partnership was established between governments and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peak bodies to ensure ownership, responsibility and accountability in driving progress to close the gap was a shared duty. A new National Closing the Gap agreement was endorsed by all parties in July 2020, outlining four (4) priorities and 17 targets to be achieved over the next ten years.

Each party has an implementation plan and will be required to track and report on progress annually.

In 2021 the IJC held a Forum to share information on the Closing the Gap Targets. The following is a Graphic Recording of the key points detailing what the Closing the Gap partnership represents with a focus on how to achieve the justice targets. This also includes details of the successful restorative justice program Te Pae Oranga implemented by our neighbours in New Zealand.