Frequently Asked Questions

How can I add material to the website?

If you have a great report or resource you think should be added to the Clearinghouse, please email us with the details:

How can I get hold of publications and evaluations on this site?

The Clearinghouse includes full text downloads or current links to full text where possible. For older publications which are no longer available online, the Clearinghouse may be able to assist. You can also contact the J V Barry Library or the national library website archive Trove for hard to access resources.

What if I find a broken link?

The Clearinghouse aims to keep links current, by correcting any old or broken links. If you find a link that is broken or other correct information in a record please contact the Clearinghouse at

How can I use the resources on this website?

The Clearinghouse encourages the use of its material. However the Clearinghouse is not the copyright owner of resources written or published by third parties which are featured on this site. Users of this website should refer to detailed Copyright and Disclaimer page for more information on how material on this site can be used.

Have Indigenous people been consulted in developing the website?

Indigenous justice experts on the project’s advisory group were involved in developing key aspects of the Clearinghouse including the evolution of the website.

Who designed the artwork?

The artwork is by Garry Jones, winner of the Art of Place 2000 and National Indigenous Heritage Art Award.

Garry has provided this explanation of his work:

The artwork is a celebration of our connection and rootedness to the land from which we come, and the life force from which we draw our hopes and inspiration. The spiral represents this energy inherent in the world about us and the dotting is the diffusion of that force throughout the land. The snaking yellow line of dots represents the path or journey along which we travel in life and which maintains our connection to our origins, giving us the core of our identity. The hand print is one of the most fundamental and enduring symbols of our Indigeneity, it also represents our capacity as Indigenous people to have power over our circumstances wherever we are.

Who chooses the topics for the research briefs?

Topics for the research briefs are selected by justice agencies from Australia and New Zealand, following advice from the Indigenous Justice Clearinghouse Reference Group. Users of the site are also welcome to suggest a topic by contacting the Clearinghouse.

How are authors for Clearinghouse publications selected?

The Clearinghouse engages expert authors for its publications. A public expression of interest is undertaken every 6-12 months, for specific topics. The expressions of interest is announced through this website, directly to subscribers and through research networks. The NSW Department of Justice approves the engagement of authors following the expressions of interest process.