Closing the Gap : Prime Minister's Report 2014


The Closing the Gap Prime Minister’s report 2014 outlines the commitments made by the new government. This has included: consolidating the administration of Indigenous programs from eight government departments into the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, establishing the Prime Ministers Advisory Council, increasing Indigenous school attendance through funding $28.4 million for a remote school attendance program, improving Indigenous access to employment by commissioning a review and funding employment initiatives and supporting a referendum for the recognition of the First Australians in the Australian constitution. The report also outlines progress made towards meeting the close the gap targets: ‘Close the life expectancy gap within a generation (by 2031)’: there has been a small improvement; ‘Halve the gap in mortality rates for Indigenous children under five years within a decade (by 2018’): on track to be met; ‘Halve the gap for Indigenous children in reading, writing and numeracy within a decade (by 2018’): some progress but only two of the eight areas have improved since 2008; ‘Halve the gap for Indigenous people aged 20-24 years in Year 12 or equivalent attainment rates (by 2020)’: on track to be met; and ‘Halve the gap in employment outcomes between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians within a decade (by 2018): No progress has been made.

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