Current issues in child protection policy and practice: Informing the NT Department of Health and Community Services: child protection review


The aim of this report is to provide an overview of current issues for Australian child protection systems, and in particular to inform the child protection review being undertaken in the Northern Territory. In response to requests from the NT Department of Health and Community Services, the author draws on Australian and overseas experiences to describe trends that are currently shaping child protection services, and to discuss a number of key aspects of service delivery. These include: models of the child protection intake process, interagency coordination and collaboration, the role of family support services, and responding to child abuse and other family violence in Indigenous and rural and remote communities. Finally, consideration is given to the development of a better evidence-base to inform policy and practice, based around the development of better partnerships between government, service providers and the research community.

Copyright Information

Copyright © by Northern Territory Department of Health and Community Services. Printed by Government Printer of the Northern Territory. ISBN ??????? Printed February 2004. This work is copyright. It may be reproduced in whole or in part for study or training purposes subject to the inclusion of an acknowledgement of the source and no commercial usage or sale. Reproduction for purposes other than those indicated above requires the written permission of the Secretary of the Northern Territory Department of Health and Community Services. Enquiries or comments about this publication should be directed to: Corporate Communications Department of Health and Community Services PO Box 40596 Casuarina, NT 0811 AUSTRALIA