As a result of the adopted model of the Family Home Visiting, in which nurses conduct home visits with Indigenous Cultural Consultants for Aboriginal clients in South Australia, all families […]
As a result of the adopted model of the Family Home Visiting, in which nurses conduct home visits with Indigenous Cultural Consultants for Aboriginal clients in South Australia, all families […]
Resources July,2007
In June 2007, the Australian Government responded to the report of the Northern Territory Board of Inquiry into Protection of Aboriginal Children with the announcement of a package of 12 […]
A range of legislative models for the delivery of child welfare services to Indigenous communities have developed in a number of countries within different historical and political contexts. In each […]
In August 2006, the Northern Territory Government created the Board of Inquiry into the Protection of Aboriginal Children from Sexual Abuse to research and report on allegations of sexual abuse […]
Resources May,2008
In light of the unacceptable and increasing numbers of substantiated cases of child abuse and neglect, the Australian Government has committed to developing a national framework for protecting children, and […]
The plan outlines the challenges faced by parents and how the Government and community can together support them in caring and providing opportunities for their young children. Recognising that many […]
The Aboriginal Child Sexual Assault Taskforce was established in 2003. ACSAT’s primary aims for this report were to examine child sexual assault in Aboriginal communities, review how government and non-government […]
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children are over-represented in child protection and out-of-home care services compared to other children and have been since the first data collation in 1990. In […]
Contains detailed data and commentary on the characteristics of children in the child protection system, specifically age, sex and Indigenous Status. For child protection substantiations, data on family type, socio-economic […]
This report was compiled in response to concerns raised by Indigenous people about the prevalence of child sexual abuse in Australia. The report is a preliminary attempt to document the […]