NSW Aboriginal Justice Plan: Beyond Justice 2004-2014


This document sets out the NSW Aboriginal Justice Plan for 2004-2014, which aims to reduce the over representation of Aboriginal people in the criminal justice system and to make Aboriginal communities safe places. However the Plan, which is based on extensive Aboriginal community negotiations, also focuses more broadly than on the criminal justice system alone, and aims to tackle those factors that can be clearly linked to offending in Aboriginal communities. One of the key goals of the Plan is thus to improve the quality of a range of services for Aboriginal people. The Plan sets out goals, principles and strategic directions for the ten year period, and summarises implementation and evaluation frameworks. It also aims to squarely place Aboriginal people at the centre of defining and resolving their own problems. The Plan will thus be managed and implemented at a local level through structures that engage and empower Aboriginal communities in the justice system and in preventing crime in their communities.

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Copyright Information

Published in Sydney by NSW Aboriginal Justice Advisory Council Level 6, 8 _ 12 Chifley Square Sydney NSW 2000 www.lawlink.nsw.gov.au/ajac/publications [2018: this link is broken] Printed February 2005 ISBN: 0 7347 28107 Online ISBN: 0 7347 2811 5 © NSW Aboriginal Justice Advisory Council 2003