Reducing Aboriginal Overrepresentation in the Criminal Justice System 2018-2020


Aboriginal overrepresentation in the criminal justice system in NSW is a significant problem. There are many challenges that contribute to Aboriginal overrepresentation and there aren’t any simple solutions. A significant impact in the way Justice Cluster agencies and the NSW criminal justice system respond to Aboriginal offenders will contribute to reducing Aboriginal overrepresentation in a sustainable way. This plan, Reducing Aboriginal Overrepresentation in the Criminal Justice System 2018-2020, sets out what NSW is already doing, and what will be done over the next two years to reduce Aboriginal overrepresentation. The Reducing Aboriginal Overrepresentation Plan has three main goals:
1. helping Aboriginal people avoid coming into contact with the criminal justice system

2. reducing the length of time Aboriginal people spend in custody – either on remand or sentenced

3. reducing the rate of Aboriginal reoffending.

The plan focuses on evidence-based initiatives. It includes a set of measures – eight key indicators developed by the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research – to report on the plan’s progress and inform strategic decisionmaking. The plan is supported by the NSW Government’s $237 million investment in initiatives to reduce reoffending, as well as reforms to sentencing, parole and driver licence disqualification. These reforms will help reduce reoffending and expand intervention programs that help people avoid the criminal justice system in the first place. NSW is also introducing an Aboriginal Cultural Respect Framework and strengthening existing Aboriginal community connections to help improve public service cultural awareness and the services delivered for Aboriginal people.