Review of Coronial Practice in Western Australia, Final Report


This report contains the results of the review conducted by the Law Reform Commission of Western Australia of the coronial practices and procedures followed in the state.

The Commission consulted extensively with recognised experts in coronial law and practice, inside Western Australia and in other jurisdictions. The Commission also sought the views of the public, the ‘users’ of the system. The Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody is referred to extensively, with regard to the recommendations made that are relevant to the coronial jurisdiction.

The report details the current operation of the coronial jurisdiction, and makes recommendations for institutional and structural reform. Additionally, the report examines issues surrounding the reporting of deaths, the investigations of deaths, and the powers of the coroner.

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The copyright for this resource belongs to the Government of Western Australia. Inquiries about using or reproducing the resource should be directed to the copyright holder. As stated in the body of the resource: © Portions of text in this Final Report may be reproduced with due acknowledgement. Except for the purposes of research—and subject to the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth)—all other forms of graphic or textual reproduction or transmission by any means requires the written permission of the Law Reform Commission of Western Australia.