Senate Select Committee on Regional and Remote Indigenous Communities: Second report


The Senate Select Committee on Regional and Remote Indigenous Communities was established in March 2008 and is required to report to the Senate twice yearly until the end of the current parliament on four broad issues. These include the impact of state and territory government policies on the wellbeing of regional and remote indigenous communities, the health, welfare, education and security of children in these communities, employment and enterprise opportunities as well as the effectiveness of Commonwealth Government policies following the Northern Territory Emergency Response. This is the second report of the Committee, and contains 11 recommendations. The report is structured in five chapters. Following the introduction, the second chapter sets out the Commonwealth policy framework and overarching governance directing Indigenous Affairs policy in Australia. The third chapter contains a snapshot of the type of available data on the nature and status of regional and remote Indigenous communities. Chapter four addresses the Northern Territory Emergency Response and details evidence presented to the committee and its findings at this stage of the inquiry. The fifth chapter case studies the impact of state and territory policies in relation to South Australia and the Northern Territory, the two jurisdictions in which the committee has had the chance to take evidence from the state government and from the Commonwealth.

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