Strengthening law and justice outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander victims / Survivors of family violence and sexual assault and women and children : National policy issues : A Victorian perspective


The Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention and Legal Service Victoria (FVPLS) released a series of three policy papers directed at drawing focus to Aboriginal women and children as victims and survivors of family violence and sexual assault. The three policy papers look at strengthening law and justice outcomes, strengthening service provisions, and improving accessibility to the legal system. The FVPLS aims to provide women’s voices on issues of vast inequality affecting Aboriginal women and children that have been more than established in the literature. This paper provides an overview of key law and justice and policy issues for ATSI women and children of domestic violence and sexual assault in Victoria and nationally. It then reviews services and funding available in urban areas and the specifics of current services for ATSI legal services. A summary of policy developments and women’s and Indigenous advisory boards is also touched on, before the issue of funding is addressed in relation to the FVPLS and other initiatives.

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© FVPLS Victoria 2010. Experts from these reports may be reproduced for non-commercial use as long as their ownership is acknowledged. These reports are available on the FVPLS Victoria website