The NSW Aboriginal Justice Advisory Council's family violence awareness and prevention initiatives


Problems of family violence and the risk of harm to children, including the sexual assault and neglect of children in Indigenous communities, continue to receive heightened media attention and political debate. Recently, the Aboriginal Justice Advisory Council has undertaken a number of projects aimed at addressing family violence in Indigenous communities in NSW. This article briefly outlines four of these projects which have been developed as early intervention and prevention measures to build an awareness of family violence issues as they relate to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families. The projects are: the AJAC’s submission to the NSW Department of Community Services’ Review of the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 (NSW); the ‘Know your score, check out the law competition’; the ‘Our kids: stay safe, stay strong’ 2007 calendar; and the ‘Our kids: stay safe, stay strong’ children’s activity book.

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This document has been sourced from the Indigenous Law Bulletin, previously known as the Aboriginal Law Bulletin, database published on Austlii ( AustLII advises that it is not the copyright owner of the source documents published on AustLII and is not able to give permission for reproduction of those source documents (refer copyright policy disclaimer dated October 2010). Queries about copyright should be referred to the publisher - the Indigenous Law Centre and the University of New South Wales.