
A brief by the Australian National Council on Drugs in 2008 noted that alcohol is the primary drug of concern for indigenous Australians. A small number of Aboriginal people inject […]

The aim of this project was to examine and report on the impact of various alcohol control measures on levels of alcohol consumption and related harm in Central Australia for […]

This paper provides detailed information to support the key strategy areas identified in the ‘National Alcohol Strategy 2001 to 2003-04’, and provides a resource document for those interested in developing […]

The Northern Territory exhibits a high level of alcohol consumption, and Katherine is no exception. It is relevant to note that almost a quarter of their population is indigenous, and […]

For many societies, the consumption of alcohol and its related outcomes are deeply embedded in cultural, economic, legal and health systems. Yet alcohol is not an ‘ordinary commodity’. It is […]

The Intergovernmental Committee on Drugs commissioned the Australian Institute of Criminology to review policing and non-policing data on the involvement of alcohol in crime and to identify options available for […]

As part of a two phase project commissioned by the Australian National Council on Drugs, this report identifies alcohol and other drug intervention projects conducted by or for Indigenous Australians […]

Surveys have shown that, while Indigenous Australians are less likely than non-Indigenous Australians to consume alcohol, those that do are more likely to drink at risky and high-risk levels. Indigenous […]

The purpose of the new Tasmanian drug strategy is to guide whole-of-government and community activities to reduce the harm associated with the use of licit and illicit drugs in Tasmania. […]

This report presents the results of a consultation conducted by the Australian National Council on Drugs (ANCD) on behalf of the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs […]