This article interrogates Australia’s ‘post-coloniality’ in light of the death in custody of Mulrunji Doomadgee and its legal and political aftermath. While Prime Minister Rudd recently called for an end […]
This article interrogates Australia’s ‘post-coloniality’ in light of the death in custody of Mulrunji Doomadgee and its legal and political aftermath. While Prime Minister Rudd recently called for an end […]
This report provides an estimate of the annual cost savings to the Western Australian Government of proactively diverting young offenders from the court system and from detention in remand in […]
As a result of the adopted model of the Family Home Visiting, in which nurses conduct home visits with Indigenous Cultural Consultants for Aboriginal clients in South Australia, all families […]
Indigenous people experience a disproportionately high burden of interpersonal violence. This paper compares the demographic characteristics and injury circumstances of male and female Indigenous Australians hospitalised due to interpersonal violence […]
Resources Oct,2015
This publication reports on the Indigenous Australians with mental health disorders and cognitive disability in the criminal justice system project. The project involved the development of an in-depth representation of […]
Community Justice Centres (CJCs) commenced the implementation of an Indigenous-specific mediation service in 2002 in response to a need identified through community research. An initial pilot for the recruitment and […]
The aims of the Derby/West Kimberley project were to increase awareness and understanding of domestic violence in the Derby community; to develop and implement culturally appropriate strategies for the intervention […]
The report sets out to comprehensively analyse major reviews and evaluations of programs relevant to Indigenous labour market outcomes, including national mainstream and Indigenous-specific policies. This report critically reviews evaluations […]
Resources August,2023
A dedicated Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Action Plan will work alongside the First Action Plan. It has been developed in genuine partnership with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander […]
A range of legislative models for the delivery of child welfare services to Indigenous communities have developed in a number of countries within different historical and political contexts. In each […]