This research report forms part of a submission from the Indigenous Law Centre, University of New South Wales to the Federal Government in relation to its ‘Inquiry into Stolen Wages’. […]
Resources Sept,2006
This research report forms part of a submission from the Indigenous Law Centre, University of New South Wales to the Federal Government in relation to its ‘Inquiry into Stolen Wages’. […]
The evolution of bail laws in New South Wales (NSW) is critiqued in the context of public debate, political comments and competing interest groups. It is argued that over the […]
The Rudd Government’s Australia 2020 Summit has been widely reported on, yet the voice of young indigenous Australians has not often been heard. In this article, the National Indigenous Youth […]
Indigenous sentencing courts were established in 1999 to increase trust between Indigenous people and white justice, and to strengthen Indigenous communities. This article highlights the findings from the first in-depth […]
Often service providers find Indigenous victims of violence with disabilities as a group ‘too hard to handle’. In Victoria, assistance to that group is likely to be unavailable or inappropriate […]
20 years after the release of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody (RCIADIC) report, which noted the need to reduce Aboriginal incarceration, Indigenous imprisonment continues to rise alongside […]
Community Justice Centres (CJCs) commenced the implementation of an Indigenous-specific mediation service in 2002 in response to a need identified through community research. An initial pilot for the recruitment and […]
Warringa Baiya is a facility that specialised in providing legal information, advice, casework, education and advocacy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and children who are, or have been, […]
For years community groups in Alice Springs, including the People’s Alcohol Action Coalition (PAAC), attempted to gain the agreement of the NT Licensing Commission to trial reduced takeaway trading hours […]
This article reports on the trend in western New South Wales that sees young Indigenous people accused of an offence being granted bail on the condition that they relocate to […]