

The National Agreement on Closing the Gap (the National Agreement) was developed in partnership between Australian Governments and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peak organisations in March 2019. A Joint […]


This document summarises the Productivity Commission’s latest data update on Closing the Gap and details NSW’s efforts in 2021–22. It sets out the progress of ongoing and new initiatives in […]


The second NSW Closing the Gap Implementation Plan 2022 – 2024 captures the NSW Government’s greater focus on all 17 socio-economic outcome targets. The report is detailed in three sections […]


The New South Wales Police Force states the Aboriginal Strategic Direction is a document to guide in the management of Aboriginal issues, seeking a genuine level of Aboriginal community ownership. […]

The Repeat Offenders Database, which has been collated by the New South Wales Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, offers a unique opportunity to analyse data quality issues for an […]