States and Territories

Publishers: New South Wales Law Reform Commission, Report, 133

This report finds that a new, simplified Bail Act is required. The report was made pursuant to a referral by the Attorney General. In highlighting the need to simplify the […]

The Special Taskforce on Domestic and Family Violence in Queensland (the Taskforce) was established on 10 September 2014 to define the domestic and family violence landscape in Queensland, and make […]

Authors: Cunneen, Chris

The purpose of this discussion paper is to provide the foundation for community negotiations on the development of an Aboriginal Justice Plan for New South Wales. The discussion paper follows […]

This document sets out the NSW Aboriginal Justice Plan for 2004-2014, which aims to reduce the over representation of Aboriginal people in the criminal justice system and to make Aboriginal […]


This report delves into the increasing over-representation of Aboriginal people in the criminal justice system in NSW. It forms part of a response of a request by the Attorney General […]

This report has been prepared to guide the delivery of better services to Indigenous people in the State and to measure the impact of these services over time. It compiles […]

There is an urgent need to improve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ standard of living. This report demonstrates that by almost every indicator of wellbeing, Aboriginal and Torres Strait […]


The inaugural Policy Futures: A Reform Agenda was launched at Parliament House in March 2021 by former Minister for Indigenous Australians, the Hon. Ken Wyatt AM, and was circulated nationally […]

Publishers: Queensland Government

This document sets out the full text of the Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Justice Agreement, an agreement between the Queensland Government and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander […]


Aboriginal overrepresentation in the criminal justice system in NSW is a significant problem. There are many challenges that contribute to Aboriginal overrepresentation and there aren’t any simple solutions. A significant […]